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 June 25, 2003
      Be my colleague in my online business. Join Nocs: the easiest way to earn online. Visit only a few sites and instant money! Click here to join or click on the banner below every page of this site.

      The pictures section is (^_-) at last not EMPTY anymore. You'll find stuff there. Click here.
 June 19, 2003
      My recent AnimaCode kind-of-matrix-inspired wallpaper has been posted at the goodies section. You can also view it with my other digital artworks at deviantart.com

      My handrawn animé 'Brylle' has been posted at the fanart section of Animé Revolution. I'm not whether the url is right just try clicking here or here
 June 9, 2003
      New wallpaper has been posted at the goodies section. You can also view some of my works at deviantart.com

      Animéart section has been upgraded to a more efficient flash version so that you don't have to wait to download the pictures too long. Click here.
 May 21, 2003
      Mylene's portrait brings out the sentimentality in this animé drawing which is my next wallpaper. The original artwork is drawn by my friend Mylene ( -- * thanks for the permission to use it. * --) and the background's done by me. I have submitted this wallpaper to Culture Crash hoping to be published in their next ish. Hope so. See the goodies section.
 May 16, 2003
      Talk about bad luck! My Crosswinds account has been closed! It is due to the fact that they will now be procuring fees to anyone who wishes to continue their account at Crosswinds. Anyway, I have found another free host and what else can I say? Welcome back to my homepage!
 April 27, 2003
      A Mandy Moore wallpaper has been posted at the goodies section. Hoped you'll like the grid and twirl yellow/green theme.
 April 8, 2003
      Two more wallpapers are added at the Goodies section. Jaci Velasquez and La Noche Triste wallpapers are available in three most commonly used screen resolutions.

      New section, the 'Adobe Works' has been added at the Works section. Featuring different portraits using the effects and styles of Photoshop.

      Resumé has been updated.
 March 22, 2003
      Daniel Dischéreit wallpapers are already posted. Wallpapers sizes are available for 640x480, 800x600, 1076x768 screen resolutions. Wallpapers are located at the goodies section.
 February 17, 2003
      My friend e-mailed me a bunch of articles and I decided to post the best ones in my site. If you want to read them look for them at the Thoughts: Articles/Poems section or click here.
 February 1, 2003
       Animé Art has been added at the Works section.
 January 1, 2003
      Happy New Year to everyone specially those to all MBM peeps. As you can see we have a new look for this year, well it's New Year and it's time for new things, (too cliché). Actually what happened is that Auction Assist, my former host has been requiring me to upgrade my membership and that means I have to pay the necessary fees. Unfortunately since I'm just an amateur and can't afford to pay so I looked for another server to host my site. Many thanks to Crosswinds.net for this.
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