Whew! My daily schedule has been whisked very fast this Christmas season 'till New Year and I know I'm much obliged to say something what has been happening to me during those days.
Last Dec 21, we presented "The Call" at our church and it was a huge success. Unfortunately only a few are able to watch it because the weather hadn't been cooperative. It was raining hard and so the audience requested a repeat performance. So, last Dec 26, the same time, "The Call" was reshown and there were many people who watched it. Some even came from downtown Davao to watch it. It was very hot and I felt very uncomfortable singing but the show was as good as its first and we praise God for it.
On Dec 28 up to Dec 31 morning we have this Metro Davao AYP Convention. During this event all AYP all over Davao gather to meet and fellowship with one another. We were grouped into different teams, each team named after the old names of God. My team was Jehovah Elohim. There were many games and contests but we only managed to win 3rd prize on Choir competition and 1st prize in Creative band. I was very blessed during that event.
Yesterday, I flew to Manila to find my luck in job hunting. I'm currently staying here with my classmate at Sta. Rosa, Laguna. I will surely missed my family and my church mates. I'm scared yet excited of what may happen to me but I know God will lead my way. I may not be able to write here more often. Internet cafés here costs twice or thrice than in Davao City. So cheers to us all and Happy New Year!
December 12, 2003
Woah! It's almost Christmas time. For me Christmas does not only mean receiving gifts from our "ninongs" and "ninangs" or giving gifts sa mga "inaanak" (I have one.) or does it mean attending at Christmas parties with our officemates, classmates or with friends nor shopping but it's also the time to offer our talents to God so that his people will hear the good message Christmas brings. Our church will present "The Call" (see poster) this Dec 21. It is an inspiring worship musical and I'm very glad I'm a part of the production as a solo singer (Yehey! for me.) To get a clear look of the poster, click here. or visit the adobeworks page.
November 18, 2003
What do you think of the splash page? I think it's cool and kind of relaxing when you look at it. I have a new web friend. His name is Kevin. You might as well visit his page and you'll find loads of stuff there especially if you are a Britney Spears fan. Find his banner under the Affiliates section of this page and click it.
I watched Madz et. al. , the Davao concert last Sunday to feel what's it's like to hear a huge group of choristers and of course to watch my ex-choir, the Himig Singers. It was great but I was disappointed of Himig's performance. It's good but quite lacking ... tsk tsk. Every choir had their rough times but I'm sure they'll pull it through.
I'm into New Age nowadays, wanting to feel relaxed and have a peace of mind. Bryan brought some CD's of Secret Garden and it's quite good. Anyway, watch out for Josh Groban's newest single "You Raise Me Up". It is a very inspiring song with excellent music and vocals and of course a very touching message.
November 3, 2003
I quit the Himig Singers and I'm not even sure if I'll regret in making the decision. But one thing is only sure. I want to invest my time to something new. I don't know what it is but I'll figure it out. My stay in Himig has been wonderful and I've learned much from that experience. That experience will
propel me to launch myself into new, unknown worlds. Anyway, notice the ocho-ocho
animation? Cool huh? Ocho-ocho is a famous "mass" dance craze here in the Philippines. It's "baduy" but it's fun. I might as well join the fun too. Do you want to own this ocho-ocho animation? You can e-mail through the contact section of this page or e-mail directly, at andy_enero@yahoo.com.
October 26, 2003
I might have been secretive with what is really happening in my life. Things have been quite good generally and I was really thankful for God for all the things - good and bad. But the thing, is for the past five months, I am working as a tutor. It has been fun teaching kids and sharing what I learned during my schooling years. Secondly, I became a HIMIG singer - which I thought would be quite easy but in there I learned to work hard and endure criticisms. And so... tama na ang pagserious. I made a new wallpaper of Jaci Velasquez. To download it click here.
October 2, 2003
Hoy hoy hoy! Hoy! hoy! hoy! I missed posting new articles and wallpapers. It's been quite a long time - I've been busy. Anyway, a friend sent me a poem with Pooh and friends design. For Pooh fanatics and those who want to live life to the fullest. This poem, which our feature article is for you. Click here.
August 16, 2003
blueswirls' resumé version 4.0 in PDF format has replaced the old version. Featured with a cool layout and additional information, this resumé of mine will be worth looking at least design-wise. :)
[ :: link :: ]
August 03, 2003
Blueswirls has his own search engine (located at the lower right panel of this page) ! You can search any item, or phrase or word on the entire subdomain. Search engine is powered by Google.
An entire archive of all my adobe works, "adobe scraps" as I have called it, is now posted.
Click here.
July 25, 2003
Good News to all Meteor Garden and F4 fans! A new customed Jerry Yan, Vic Zhou, Vaness Wu, Ken Zu and of course the adorable Barbie Xu wallpaper has been made to spice your desktop. Click here to download.
July 4, 2003
Visual Basic wallpaper has been posted at the goodies section and a not so good screensaver*. Click here.
Done out of boredom
Sticky News(posted last 07/25/03)
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